Checking the Facts: Fixing a Factory Bumper vs. Not Needing to Fix a Heavy-Duty Bumper

Sep. 27 2019 Miscellaneous By ___

One of the biggest reasons to get a heavy-duty bumper is to save on maintenance fees. If you spend enough time trucking, you know there’s simply no way to avoid every collision, especially when it comes to animals. They dart out in front of you too quickly to brake or merge and sometimes you have no choice but to hit them. Depending on where you haul, the damage you incur from these incidents can add up. That’s where a reinforced bumper can be helpful. If you know you’ll be running into this problem fairly often, then contact Truck Defender Bumpers and we’ll ship you a custom bumper straight to your door, no matter where you are in North America. 

When Are You at Risk?

Sometimes, knowing the areas with the highest animal traffic can help you know if you should be concerned. Of course, North America is filled with deer and other wildlife populations, but some of the highest incidents occur in areas that may surprise you. As of 2018, the top five states for claims coming from a collision with a deer, elk, moose, or caribou were:

  • West Virginia

  • Montana

  • Pennsylvania

  • Wisconsin

  • Iowa

Surprised? It just goes to show you can’t assume you’re in the clear, no matter where you are. A collision can happen anywhere you haul, which means any trucker can benefit from a stronger bumper.

The Cost of Fixing Your Bumper

So you’ve hit an animal. It happens. But you didn’t have a livestock bumper installed, only the factory bumper. Firstly, you might need to get it towed to the nearest mechanic, depending on the damage. According to the American Trucking Association, drivers don’t always have a say in this, especially when the police make the call, and towing prices can commonly range from $10,000 to $50,000 or more. And we’re not even at the mechanic yet.

When you reach a repair shop, it’s hit or miss as to how helpful or fairly priced they are. Hopefully, you’re close enough to a service team you trust, but that’s not always a luxury truck drivers have. Another risky charge. 

And now the bill. When you factor in some of the biggest charges, between the truck and sometimes medical costs, you’re looking at an average of around $150,000. This doesn’t even factor in the money you’re losing by not being on the road. Not to mention, some drivers forgo insurance that would cover them in the event of a collision with an animal (you can’t force Mother Nature to pay for your repair bill). Some estimates claim companies need to make an additional $7M+ that year just to cover the damages. Plus, as a driver, you’ve now got a spot on your record that could make getting future gigs more difficult.

The Cost of Not Needing to Fix a Heavy-Duty Bumper

Now, don’t get us wrong, you might still need some bodywork or minor repairs if you hit an animal hard enough. But will you need to spend tens of thousands of dollars getting it towed to the mechanic? Or hundreds of thousands of dollars covering damages? It’s doubtful. Instead, you’ll just need to spend the money on the bumper and installation. A small price to pay in the long run. 

It’s easy to see why getting an aluminum bumper is so important. If you want to save money and up-time, you’ll contact Truck Defender Bumpers right away to figure out how you can get one for your semi today. We’re located in Vale, South Dakota, and would be happy to see you in person. But if you can’t stop in, no worries! We ship all across North America.