Want to make your pickup truck last longer? Use the following strategies to reduce wear, prevent damage, and keep your vehicle running well for as long as possible.

Limit Short Drives

Every cold start results in increased wear on the pickup truck's engine. If you can reduce the number of cold starts, you can reduce engine strain.

Whenever possible, plan out your short drives for the same time. For example, block out a few hours to get a bunch of small errands done. Focus on locations that are close to each other to reduce the back and forth of driving from home to the destination. You can even park in one spot, then walk to the various locations to further reduce the number of cold starts. This will help extend the life of your pickup truck and also will help save fuel.

Limit Driving at High Speeds

Many states have high speed limits and many pickup trucks can hit high speeds. Driving at a high speed, however, is tough on a vehicle. The engine needs to pump and expend more fuel. The moving parts, such as the pistons, have to run above optimal rates. The higher speed results in increased wear on the pickup truck.

If you use aggressive acceleration to reach a high speed, there is even more stress placed on the vehicle. If you come across a hazard, you'll need to aggressively brake in order to bring the pickup truck to a stop. This places more strain on the various parts.

It’s better to instead focus on smooth operation. Use reasonable acceleration and maintain a reasonable speed to extend the life of your pickup truck.

Take Precautions Against Collisions

Collisions can be incredibly damaging to vehicles. While you can't prevent every possible risk, there are proactive steps that you can take.

First, maximize your ability to focus by taking care of your body. Be well-rested, hydrated, and well-fed before you hit the road. This will make spotting hazards easier, which gives you more time to react and avoid a collision.

Second, upgrade your pickup truck bumper. During a collision, important vehicle parts are vulnerable to damage. This includes parts such as the suspension system, steering system, and the radiator. A custom aluminum pickup truck bumper can offer valuable protection for these parts as well as the bumper itself. This helps reduce the likelihood of needed repairs and extend the life of your pickup truck.

Ready to protect your pickup truck with a custom aluminum truck bumper? The experts at Truck Defender Bumpers are here for you. We can answer questions, give advice, and help you get the best match for your vehicle and lifestyle. Our dealership is in Vale, South Dakota, and we proudly serve those throughout the United States.