A broken pickup truck bumper has two solutions: repair or replacement. It can be tough knowing which option to pursue, which is why we created the following guide to repairing versus replacing a bumper. For more information or to get a custom aluminum bumper, contact Truck Defender Bumpers. Our dealership is located in Vale, South Dakota, and we proudly serve the entire United States.

Why Address a Broken Pickup Truck Bumper?

Addressing a broken bumper takes time and money, but it is a worthwhile investment for many reasons.

First, a bumper is often the first point of contact during a collision. The bumper helps focus damage away from essential parts under the truck hood. A broken bumper can be compromised in its integrity, putting you, your passengers, and your pickup truck at greater risk in a future collision.

Second, broken pickup truck bumpers can face issues that worsen with time. An unaddressed broken bumper faces additional problems, such as rusting, that result in a more challenging and costly fix.

Third, there's the aesthetic reason. If you use the pickup truck for work, a broken bumper hurts your image of professionalism. If you plan on selling the pickup truck, the look of a broken bumper will hurt the resale value. 

When to Repair a Broken Pickup Truck Bumper?

Repair is usually the best option when:

  • There are small cracks and holes that don't hurt the bumper integrity.
  • There are only scratches, which are usually easy to remove or paint over.
  • There are small to medium-sized dents.
  • The bumper is loose or out of alignment without other significant damage and with the hooks and fasteners still intact.
  • The damage is simply cosmetic and not a safety threat.

When to Replace a Broken Pickup Truck Bumper?

It Costs More to Repair

In some cases, a pickup truck bumper replacement will be the more affordable option. This is common with large cracks where the structural integrity of the bumper is compromised. It's also common with major paint damage because a repair would require sanding down the scrapes and scratches, possibly filling with filler, then repainting.

A Repair Isn't Possible

Sometimes, a repair isn't even an option. For example, when the bumper hooks are damaged. The hooks help the bumper stay securely on the pickup truck. If the hooks are compromised, the bumper could partially or fully come off of your vehicle. Unfortunately, the hooks can't be replaced without replacing the pickup truck bumper as well.

A Different Bumper Would Better Suit Your Lifestyle

You are already investing money into your pickup truck bumper, which might be the perfect time to get an upgrade. A custom aluminum bumper, for example, can better handle future collisions without needing repairs. This is great for those who go off-roading with their pickup truck (and face a higher potential of collision with obstacles) or travel often on rural roads (and face a higher potential of collision with wildlife).

Need a pickup truck bumper replacement? Truck Defender Bumpers can help you get the perfect custom aluminum bumper for your unique budget and lifestyle. Contact us or stop by our dealership in Vale, South Dakota. We serve those throughout the United States.